وعليكم السلام
با امكانك البقى لمده 30 يوم بدون فيزه تم تغير الفتره من 21 يوم الى 30 يوم
هذى الاخبار الرسميه
MANILA, Philippines – Foreign tourists may now stay for up to 30 days in the country without a visa, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) announced Monday.
“Beginning August 1, 2013, nationals from 151 countries with visa-free privileges can stay in the Philippines for 30 days, up from the previous period of 21 days,” DFA spokesman assistant secretary Raul Hernandez told reporters in a press conference.
The extension of the period “aims to facilitate the entry and stay of foreign nationals who plan to engage in tourism activities or explore the Philippines as an investment destination,” Hernandez said.
Foreign nationals would only need to present their passports that are valid for up to six months from the day of their travel to the country.
The nationals from the following countries are eligible for the extension:
هذا اربط الموقع الرسمى
السعوديين من ضمن الدول المسموح لهم ب 30 يوم