The Law of the Qur’ân Abrogates All Previous Manifestations of the Divine Law
Abrogation in the Divine Law is an established fact. It has even occurred within one manifestation of the Divine Law. Its occurrence is generally in secondary matters of law, not fundamental principles. Allah says:
“Whatever We abrogate of Our verses or cause to be forgotten, We come with better than it or with that which is similar. Do you not know that Allah is capable of all things?”
The Law that came with Jesus (peace be upon him) abrogated part of the Law that came with Moses (peace be upon him). Allah says, relating the words of Jesus to the Children of Israel:
And I have come confirming that which was before me of the Torah and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden to you…
As for Islamic Law, it abrogates all the previous manifestations of the Divine Law. What is meant here are those things that are susceptible to abrogation in the first place. As for the fundamentals of belief, like the unity of Allah, the prohibition of idolatry, and the fundamentals of worship – matters that form the basic call of all the Messengers – they are not subject to abrogation. The only aspects of the Law that may be abrogated are the particulars and the details.
Islamic Law is lasting, remaining suitable for every place and time, and embracing the goodness of the previous manifestations of the Law. Allah says:
“And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book in truth, confirming the Scriptures that came before it and a witness over them.”
The fulfillment of the faith with the revelation of the Qur’ân
The Qur’ân was revealed fourteen centuries ago, but the meanings contained therein are as ancient as they are new. It contains the essence of all the previous scriptures and all the advice given to humanity since the dawn of human existence. The Qur’ân is the summation of all the great wisdom that has ever reached the ears of people of all nations and ages.
It is the culmination of every manifestation of the Divine Law that humanity has ever needed. It contains all the certain truths and is a testament of Allah’s concern for His servants from the time that they were first created through to today, and until the end of the world.
Allah makes this clear in the chapter of the Qur’ân entitled al-A`lâ (the Most High), where He first mentions some of His signs in Creation, then commands His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) to remind the people; He then explains how those who purify themselves find success and how those who fail to take heed meet with failure and how the nature of man is to prefer the life of this world, though the Hereafter is better and more lasting. After all of this, Allah says:
Verily this is in the earliest of scriptures, the scriptures of Abraham) and Moses.
The faith was perfected with the revelation of the Qur’ân; humanity would never need anything else. Allah says:
“Today, I have perfected for you your faith, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”
مواضيع عشوائيه ممكن تكون تعجبك اخترناها لك:
![فنادق عطلات](https://www.otlaat.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/kk3-2.jpg)
رد: ’â
Nice post dear Joud
![فنادق عطلات](https://www.otlaat.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/kk3-2.jpg)
رد: ’â
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة no nick
Nice post dear Joud
U R most welcome brother
glad you fnd it interesting
best regards
![فنادق عطلات](https://www.otlaat.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/kk3-2.jpg)
رد: ’â
جزاك الله خيرا
![فنادق عطلات](https://www.otlaat.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/kk3-2.jpg)
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