مرحبا اخى الكريم
حسب موقعهم انه فيه امكانيه للارجاع
ولكن لابد ان تتم عن طريق مكاتبهم او وكلائهم
وعلى حسب علمى انه يوجد لهم وكلاء فى جده والرياض
وانصحك بمراجعتهم فورا
1. All Batavia Air tickets can be refund, re-booking or up-grade only for valid tickets based on the cancellation conditions and it can only be done in the representative offices.
2. Valid ticket and ID card copy attachment is obligated in the refund
process within 14 days from the processed date
هنا شروط الالغاء وكم نسبه الخصم وهى تعتمد كليا على نوع الكلاس اللى حاجز عليه
مثلها مثل طيران ناس عندنا وان شاء الله حجزك مش على ال برومو
Batavia Air Tickets Variation
Eco Premium Class[ulist][*]No cancellation fee on
Rebook Ticket though in case of having made up before the departure time. Then, 95 %
cancellation fee of the basic fare on
Rebook Ticket will be made up after check-in process.[*]IDR 100.000 for cancellation fee (conversion rate for foreign currency: 40 MYR, 80 RMB, 16 USD, 20 SGD, 50 SAR) on
Refund Ticket will be made up at the latest or more than 48 hours from the departure schedule up to the ticket validity period.[*]Then, 50%
cancellation fee of the basic fare on
Refund Ticket will be made up less than or within 48 hours prior of departure time as printed on the ticket and 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be made up after check-in process.[*]Free Baggage Allowance 15 kg.[*]No changeable name.[*]90 days of ticket validity period from the time and date of departure.[/ulist]
Eco Medium Class[ulist][*]In case of cancellation, 25% of the basic fare will be charged on
Rebook Ticket, if it is made up before the departure time at the latest. In addition, if
Rebook Ticket is made up after check-in process, there will be 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare.[*]If
Refund Ticket is made up from the departure time at the latest, 50% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be charged. Then, 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be made up after check-in process.[*]Free Baggage Allowance 15 kg.[*]No changeable name.[*]Ticket validity period within 60 days from the date of departure.[/ulist]
Eco Budget Class[ulist][*]In case of
Rebook Ticket is made up 48 hours at the latest or more than the departure time, 25% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be charged and 50% cancellation fee of the basic fare, if it is made up less than 48 hours. Then, 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare on
Rebook Ticket will be charged, if it is made up after check-in process.[*]If
Refund Ticket is made up at the latest or more than 48 hours from the departure time, 50% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be charged and 75% cancellation fee of the basic fare, if it is made up less than 48 hours before the departure time. In addition, 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be made up after check-in process.[*]Free Baggage Allowance 15 kg.[*]No changeable name.[*]Ticket validity period within 14 days from the date of departure.[/ulist]
Eco Promo Class[ulist][*]In case of
Rebook Ticket is made up before or after check-in process, 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare will be charged.[*]If
Refund Ticket is made up before or after check-in process, there will be 95% cancellation fee of the basic fare.[*]Free Baggage Allowance 15 kg.[*]No changeable name.[*]Ticket validity period is at the time of the departure as printed on the ticket.[*]Process of
Rebook Ticket and
Refund Ticket must be made on the same day at the time of the departure.[/ulist]